SUB_TITLE SC18 Proceedings

The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis

5th International Workshop on HPC User Support Tools: HUST-18

  1. Introduction - 5th International Workshop on HPC User Support Tools: HUST-18
  2. OOOPS: An Innovative Tool for IO Workload Management on Supercomputers
  3. CView and NWPerf for Supercomputer Performance Collection and Display.
  4. Workshop Morning Break
  5. ReFrame: A Regression Testing and Continuous Integration Framework for HPC systems
  6. A Compiler and Profiler Based Tool for Querying HPC Application Characteristics
  7. ColdFront: An Open Source HPC Resource Allocation System
  8. Concluding Remarks

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ResCuE-HPC: 1st Workshop on Reproducible, Customizable, and Portable Workflows for HPC

  1. Introduction - ResCuE-HPC: 1st Workshop on Reproducible, Customizable, and Portable Workflows for HPC
  2. Keynote
  3. Workshop Morning Break
  4. Assessing Reproducibility: An Astrophysical Example of Computational Uncertainty in the HPC Context
  5. Considering the Development Workflow to Achieve Reproducibility with Variation
  6. Spotting Black Swans With Ease: The Case for a Practical Reproducibility Platform
  7. Supporting Thorough Artifact Evaluation with Occam
  8. Semantically Organized Containers for Reproducible Research
  9. Open Panel: Automating Artifact Sharing, Evaluation, and Reuse

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Fifth Workshop on Accelerator Programming Using Directives (WACCPD)

  1. Introduction - Fifth Workshop on Accelerator Programming Using Directives (WACCPD)
  2. Session1: WACCPD Keynote: Experiences in Using Directive-Based Programming for Accelerated Computing Architectures
  3. Session 2: Porting Scientific Applications Using Directives
  4. Heterogeneous Programming and Optimization of Gyrokinetic Toroidal Code Using Directives
  5. Workshop Morning Break
  6. Using Compiler Directives for Performance Portability in Scientific Computing: Kernels from Molecular Simulation
  7. Session 3: Using OpenMP
  8. OpenMP Target Offloading: Splitting GPU Kernels, Pipelining Communication and Computation, and Selecting Better Grid Geometries
  9. A Case Study for Performance Portability Using OpenMP 4.5
  10. Session 4: Using OpenACC
  11. OpenACC Routine Directive Propagation Using Interprocedural Analysis
  12. OpenACC-Based GPU Parallelization of Plane Sweep Algorithm for Geometric Intersection
  13. 5th Workshop on Accelerator Programming Using Directives (WACCPD): Closing Remarks

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Fourth International Workshop on Heterogeneous High-Performance Reconfigurable Computing (H2RC'18)

  1. Introduction - Fourth International Workshop on Heterogeneous High-Performance Reconfigurable Computing (H2RC'18)
  2. Preserving Privacy through Processing Encrypted Data
  3. Bringing FPGAs to HPC Production Systems and Codes
  4. Workshop Morning Break
  5. SimBSP: Enabling RTL Simulation for Intel FPGA OpenCL Kernels
  6. Scalable FPGA Deployments for HPC and DC Applications
  7. First Steps in Porting the LFRic Weather and Climate Model to the FPGAs of the EuroExa Architecture
  8. Integrating Network-Attached FPGAs into the Cloud Using Partial Reconfiguration
  9. Accelerating Intelligence
  10. The MANGO Process for Designing and Programming Multi-Accelerator Multi-FPGA Systems
  11. Stream Computing of Lattice-Boltzmann Method on Intel Programmable Accelerator Card

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The 3rd International Workshop on Post-Moore Era Supercomputing (PMES)

  1. Introduction - The 3rd International Workshop on Post-Moore Era Supercomputing (PMES)
  2. Tranquility Amidst Turbulence: A Vision for Advancing Scientific Discovery in the Era of Extreme Heterogeneity
  3. Workshop Morning Break
  4. Hybrid Quantum-Classical Computing Architectures
  5. Stochastic Computing on Quantum Gates
  6. Memory-Efficient Quantum Circuit Simulation by Using Lossy Data Compression
  7. Community Detection Across Emerging Quantum Architectures
  8. Comparing Deep Learning with Quantum Inference on The D-Wave 2X
  9. Speaker Panel 1
  10. Workshop Lunch (on your own)
  11. Doing Moore with Less – Leapfrogging Moore’s Law with Inexactness for Supercomputing
  12. A Task-Based Abstraction Layer for User Productivity and Performance Portability in Post-Moore’s Era Supercomputing
  13. Non-Neural Network Applications for Spiking Neuromorphic Hardware
  14. Workshop Afternoon Break
  15. Shortest Path and Neighborhood Subgraph Extraction on a Spiking Memristive Neuromorphic Implementation
  16. Speaker Panel 2
  17. Domain-Specific System on Chips (DSSoC)
  18. Workshop Closing

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Innovating the Network for Data Intensive Science (INDIS)

  1. Introduction - Innovating the Network for Data Intensive Science (INDIS)
  2. INDIS Invited Talk: Introduction to SCinet
  3. INDIS Showcases Panel: NRE and XNET and Architecture
  4. Workshop Morning Break
  5. INDIS Morning Keynote
  6. Flowzilla: A Methodology for Detecting Data Transfer Anomalies in Research Networks
  7. Fast Detection of Elephant Flows with Dirichlet-Categorical Inference
  8. Tracking Network Flows with P4
  9. Workshop Lunch (on your own)
  10. SDN for End-to-End Networked Science at the Exascale (SENSE)
  11. Social Computational Trust Model (SCTM): A Framework to Facilitate Selection of Partners
  12. INDIS Afternoon Keynote
  13. Bandwidth Scheduling for Big Data Transfer with Deadline Constraint between Data Centers
  14. Workshop Afternoon Break
  15. Analysis of CPU Pinning and Storage Configuration in 100 Gbps Network Data Transfer
  16. BigData Express: Toward Schedulable, Predictable, and High-Performance Data Transfer

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Fourth Computational Approaches for Cancer Workshop (CAFCW18)

  1. Introduction – Fourth Computational Approaches for Cancer Workshop (CAFCW18)
  2. Morning Keynote – Computational Approaches in Clinical Applications
  3. Workshop Morning Break
  4. Developing a Reproducible WDL-Based Workflow for RNASeq Data Using Modular, Software Engineering-Based Approaches
  5. Safety, Reproducibility, Performance: Accelerating Cancer Drug Discovery with Cloud, ML, and HPC Technologies
  6. The Gen3 Approach to Portability and Repeatability for Cancer Genomics Projects
  7. Scalable Deep Ensemble Learning for Cancer Drug Discovery
  8. Panel Discussion: Reproducibility and Accessibility - Challenges and Opportunities
  9. Workshop Lunch (on your own)
  10. Afternoon Keynote – Genomic Profiling of Normal, Premalignant, and Heterogeneous Tissues in Cancer Patients
  11. Workshop Afternoon Break
  12. HPC-Based Hyperparameter Search of MT-CNN for Information Extraction from Cancer Pathology Reports
  13. Toward a Computational Simulation of Circulating Tumor Cell Transport in Vascular Geometries
  14. Hummingbird: Efficient Performance Prediction for Executing Genomics Applications in the Cloud
  15. Toward a Pre-Cancer Image Atlas through Crowdsourcing and Machine Learning
  16. Extending Frontiers for Computing in Cancer – Special Session

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MCHPC’18: Workshop on Memory Centric High Performance Computing

  1. Introduction - MCHPC’18: Workshop on Memory Centric High Performance Computing
  2. MCHPC'18 Morning Keynote: Converging Storage and Memory
  3. Workshop Morning Break
  4. Challenges of High-Capacity DRAM Stacks and Potential Directions
  5. Evaluation of Intel Memory Drive Technology Performance for Scientific Applications
  6. xBGAS: Toward a RISC-V ISA Extension for Global, Scalable, Shared Memory
  7. Understanding Application Recomputability without Crash Consistency in Non-Volatile Memory
  8. A Preliminary Study of Compiler Transformations for Graph Applications on the Emu System
  9. Data Placement Optimization in GPU Memory Hierarchy Using Predictive Modeling
  10. Workshop Lunch (on your own)
  11. MCHPC'18 Afternoon Keynote: All Tomorrow’s Memory Systems
  12. Workshop Afternoon Break
  13. On the Applicability of PEBS-Based Online Memory Access Tracking for Heterogeneous Memory Management at Scale
  14. Exploring Allocation Policies in Disaggregated Non-Volatile Memories
  15. Heterogeneous Memory and Arena-Based Heap Allocation
  16. MCHPC'18 Panel: Research Challenges in Memory-Centric Computing

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Workshop on Exascale MPI (ExaMPI)

  1. Introduction - Workshop on Exascale MPI (ExaMPI)
  2. ExaMPI Keynote
  3. Workshop Morning Break
  4. Tree-Based Fault-Tolerant Collective Operations for MPI
  5. Understanding the Usage of MPI in Exascale Proxy Applications
  6. Optimal Algorithms for Half-Duplex Inter-Group All-to-All Broadcast on Fully Connected and Ring Topologies
  7. Workshop Lunch (on your own)
  8. AITuning: Machine Learning-Based Tuning Tool for Run-Time Communication Libraries
  9. A Novel Approach to Supporting Communicators for In-Switch Processing of MPI Collectives
  10. Workshop Afternoon Break
  11. ExaMPI Invited Talk
  12. Anycast: Rootless Broadcasting with MPI
  13. ExaMPI Panel

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Workshop on Education for High Performance Computing (EduHPC)

  1. Introduction - Workshop on Education for High Performance Computing (EduHPC)
  2. Keynote Talk: Student Engagement: View from the Trenches
  3. Workshop Morning Break
  4. Teaching HPC Systems and Parallel Programming with Small Scale Clusters of Embedded SoCs
  5. Jupyter Notebooks and User-Friendly HPC Access
  6. SMPI Courseware: Teaching Distributed-Memory Computing with MPI in Simulation
  7. Employing Student Retention Strategies for an Introductory GPU Programming Course
  8. Paper Discussion
  9. PDC Curriculum Update
  10. Workshop Lunch (on your own)
  11. Filling the Gap between Education and Industry: Evidence-Based Methods for Introducing Undergraduate Students to HPC
  12. Evaluating the Wide Area Classroom after 10,500 HPC Students
  13. A One Year Retrospective on a MOOC in Parallel, Concurrent, and Distributed Programming in Java
  14. Paper Discussion
  15. Workshop Morning Break
  16. Toward Developing a Repository of Logical Errors Observed in Parallel Code for Teaching Code Correctness
  17. Paper Discussion
  18. Peachy Introduction
  19. Computing a Movie of Zooming into a Fractal
  20. Optimization of an Image Processing Algorithm: Histogram Equalization
  21. OpenMP: What’s Inside the Black Box?
  22. The Wave Equation as a Motivating Example for High Performance Computing
  23. Storms of High-Energy Particles: An assignment for OpenMP, MPI, and CUDA/OpenCL
  24. Presentation of Updates from the Community
  25. Experience Report: 4 Years of Teaching Cloud Computing and Big Data at the University Level
  26. Building a Low Budget Cluster Through Hardware Reuse
  27. Introducing Three Basic Concepts in Parallel Computation to 1st Year Computer Science Students in a Simple and Effective Way
  28. Engaging Students in Parallel and Distributed Computing Learning by Games Design Using Unity
  29. Lessons from Integrating Parallelism into Undergraduate Curriculum at UMKC
  30. A Comprehensive Parallel Computing Curriculum: From Second Year to Professionals
  31. Eight Years Analysis of Adopting PDC in Data Structures at UCA
  32. Introducing PDC Concepts with Spatial Computing Curriculum
  33. Discussions on Peachy Assignment and Community Update
  34. Best Paper Announcement
  35. Closing Remarks

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WORKS 2018: 13th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale

  1. Introduction - WORKS 2018: 13th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science
  2. Keynote
  3. Workshop Morning Break
  4. Reduction of Workflow Resource Consumption Using a Density-based Clustering Model
  5. Flux: Overcoming Scheduling Challenges for Exascale Workflows
  6. LOS: Level Order Sampling for Task Graph Scheduling on Heterogeneous Resources
  7. Energy-Aware Workflow Scheduling and Optimization in Clouds Using Bat Algorithm
  8. A Practical Roadmap for Provenance Capture and Data Analysis in Spark-Based Scientific Workflows
  9. End-to-End Online Performance Data Capture and Analysis for Scientific Workflows
  10. Workshop Lunch (on your own)
  11. Planner: Cost-efficient Execution Plans Placement for Uniform Stream Analytics on Edge and Cloud
  12. Dynamic Distributed Orchestration of Node-RED IOT Workflows Using a Vector Symbolic Architecture
  13. Optimizing the Throughput of Storm-Based Stream Processing in Clouds
  14. Workshop Afternoon Break
  15. DagOn*: Executing Direct Acyclic Graphs as Parallel Jobs on Anything
  16. WRENCH: A Framework for Simulating Workflow Management Systems
  17. WORKS 2018 Panel

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Women in HPC: Diversifying the HPC Community

  1. Introduction - Women in HPC: Diversifying the HPC Community
  2. A Black Woman’s Sojourn in High Performance Computing: Recovering Lost History
  3. Workshop Morning Break
  4. Hot Topics Discussion I: Thriving at Work
  5. Hot Topics Discussion II: Thriving at Work
  6. Panel Discussion – Best Practices from Organizations on Improving Workplace Diversity.
  7. Workshop Lunch (on your own)
  8. High Performance Computing in Dynamic Traffic Simulation
  9. Best Practices from Organizations on Improving Workplace Diversity
  10. Efficient Application of Low Mach Number Hydrodynamics Code to Stellar Flows
  11. The Movement toward HPC Inclusivity: Achieving On-Demand Accessibility of High Performance Computing (HPC) through Ephemeral Projects Utilizing the Alces Gridware Project
  12. Optimizing Python Data Processing for the DESI Experiment on the NERSC Cori Supercomputer
  13. Study of Performance Variability on Dragonfly Systems
  14. A Deferred Correction Coupling Strategy for Cosmological Simulations
  15. Deep Learning: Extrapolation Tool for Computational Nuclear Physics
  16. Kinetic Simulations of Plasma Turbulence Using the Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method
  17. FLAME GPU: Complex System Simulation Framework
  18. Error Analysis in HPC Applications Using Algorithmic Differentiation
  19. Power Aware Heterogeneous Node Assembly
  20. Using a Robust Metadata Management System to Accelerate Scientific Discovery at Extreme Scales
  21. From Message Passing to PGAS
  22. In Situ Performance Analysis of Event-driven Simulations to Support the Codesign of Extreme-Scale Systems
  23. Characterization of the Impact of Soft Errors on Iterative Methods
  24. Use Cases of Neuromorphic Co-Processors in Future HPC Environments
  25. Optimization of a Lattice Boltzmann Program
  26. Plasma Meets Portability: A Journey to Performance Portability in a Particle-in-Cell Code
  27. Title: Distributed Memory Fast Fourier Transforms in the Exascale Era
  28. Challenges of Performance Portability for Fortran Unstructured Mesh Codes
  29. Large-Scale PDE-Constrained Optimization
  30. Workshop Afternoon Break
  31. Developing Workplace Resilience and Managing Stress

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2nd ATIP Workshop on International Next-Generation Computing Programs and Workforce Development

  1. Introduction - 2nd ATIP Workshop on International Next-Generation Computing Programs and Workforce Development
  2. Welcome and Introduction
  3. Panel 1: Role of Federated Polish HPC Centers in Polish AI Initiatives and EuroHPC Program
  4. Panel 1: A Site-Local View of Creating a Pan-European Federated Research Infrastructure
  5. Panel 1: Service-Oriented HPC and Data Infrastructures for Science in Germany
  6. Panel 1: European Region Q&A / Discussion Moderated by Prof. Taisuke Boku
  7. Panel 2: United States National Science Foundation (NSF) Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Programs and Workforce Development
  8. Panel 2: Arabia's Leap into the Cyber Era
  9. Panel 2: HPC in India
  10. Panel 2: Russian HPC Trends: a View From a Local Vendor Trench
  11. Panel 2: US, Saudi Arabia, India and Russia Q&A / Discussion Moderated by Prof. Taisuke Boku
  12. Workshop Lunch (on your own)
  13. Keynote: The Post-K for General-Purpose, Energy-Efficient, and Sustained Application Performance
  14. Panel 3: Challenge and Chance for Supercomputing Center in China
  15. Panel 3: Japan's HPC Program for System Development and Deployment toward Exascale
  16. Panel 3: HPC Status in Thailand
  17. Panel 3: The Path from HPC to AI in Taiwan's NCHC
  18. Panel 3: Asian Region Q&A / Discussion Moderated by Dr. David Kahaner
  19. Workshop Afternoon Break
  20. Introduction to Student Cluster Competitions
  21. Panel 4: Asia Supercomputing Community: Profound Inspiration through Strong Competition
  22. Panel 4: Student Spotlight Presentation
  23. Student Cluster Competition Team Panel Presentation
  24. Student Cluster Competition Team Panel Presentation
  25. Student Cluster Competition Team Panel Presentation
  26. Student Cluster Competition Team Panel Presentation
  27. Student Cluster Competition Team Panel Presentation
  28. Student Cluster Competition Team Panel Presentation
  29. Student Cluster Competition Team Panel Presentation
  30. Student Cluster Competition Team Panel Presentation
  31. Student Cluster Competition Team Panel Presentation
  32. Student Cluster Competition Team Panel Presentation
  33. Student Cluster Competition Team Panel Presentation
  34. Student Cluster Competition Team Panel Presentation
  35. Student Cluster Competition Team Panel Presentation
  36. Student Cluster Competition Team Panel Presentation
  37. Student Cluster Competition Team Panel Presentation
  38. Panel 4: Student Competition and Workforce Development Q&A / Discussion Moderated by Dan Olds
  39. Networking / Independent Discussion

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HPC Systems Professionals Workshop (HPCSYSPROS18)

  1. Introduction - HPC Systems Professionals Workshop (HPCSYSPROS18)
  2. HPCSYSPROS18: Keynote
  3. Message from the SIGHPC SYSPROS Virtual Chapter President
  4. Workshop Afternoon Break
  5. Studying Effects of Meltdown and Spectre Patches on the Performance of HPC Applications Using Application Kernel Module of XDMoD
  6. Compliant Cloud+Campus Hybrid HPC Infrastructure
  7. cgroups py : Using Linux Control Groups and Systemd to Manage CPU Time and Memory
  8. Making Container Easier with HPC Container Maker
  9. Rapid Deployment of Bare-Metal and In-Container HPC Clusters Using OpenHPC playbooks
  10. xCAT and Masterless Puppet: Aiming for Ideal Configuration Management
  11. Stateless Provisioning: Modern Practice in HPC
  12. Next-Generation Cluster Management Software
  13. HPCSYSPROS18: Author Panel
  14. Upcoming Events in the HPC Systems Professionals Community

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Machine Learning in HPC Environments

  1. Introduction - Machine Learning in HPC Environments
  2. Deep Learning Evolutionary Optimization for Regression of Rotorcraft Vibrational Spectra
  3. Workshop Morning Break
  4. Ramifications of Evolving Misbehaving Convolutional Neural Network Kernel and Batch Sizes
  5. Auto-Tuning TensorFlow Threading Model for CPU Backend
  6. Automated Parallel Data Processing Engine with Application to Large-Scale Feature Extraction
  7. Training Speech Recognition Models on HPC Infrastructure

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Fifth International Workshop on Visual Performance Analysis (VPA 18)

  1. Introduction - Fifth International Workshop on Visual Performance Analysis (VPA 18)
  2. VPA18 Keynote: Not Your Mama’s Angry Fruit Salad: Ruminations on 30 Years of Performance Visualization and Visual Performance Analysis
  3. Workshop Afternoon Break
  4. Visual Analytics Challenges in Analyzing Calling Context Trees
  5. Using Deep Learning for Automated Communication Pattern Characterization: Little Steps and Big Challenges
  6. Visualizing Multidimensional Health Status of Data Centers
  7. PaScal Viewer: A Tool for the Visualization of Parallel Scalability Trends

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The 4th International Workshop on Data Reduction for Big Scientific Data (DRBSD-4)

  1. Introduction - The 4th International Workshop on Data Reduction for Big Scientific Data (DRBSD-4)
  2. Perspectives on Data Reduction from ASCR
  3. Workshop Afternoon Break
  4. Feature-Relevant Data Reduction for In Situ Workflows
  5. A Statistical Analysis of Compressed Climate Model Data
  6. Data Reduction Challenges in Coordinated Simulation and Experimental Fusion Science
  7. Exploring Best Lossy Compression Strategy By Combining SZ with Spatiotemporal Decimation
  8. Synthetic Data Generation for Evaluating Parallel I/O Compression Performance and Scalability
  9. Amplitude-Aware Lossy Compression for Quantum Circuit Simulation
  10. A Study on Checkpoints Compression for Adjoint Computation

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Computational Reproducibility at Exascale 2018 (CRE2018)

  1. Introduction - Computational Reproducibility at Exascale 2018 (CRE2018)
  2. CRE2018 – Plenary I
  3. Debugging and Optimization of HPC Programs in Mixed Precision with the Verrou Tool
  4. High Performance Implementation of Reproducible BLAS Routines with Tunable Accuracy Using Ozaki Scheme
  5. Workshop Afternoon Break
  6. CRE218 – Plenary II
  7. Reproducibility for Streaming Analysis
  8. Understanding Simultaneous Impact of Network QoS and Power on HPC Application Performance
  9. Panel Discussion

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The 9th International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Benchmarking, and Simulation of High-Performance Computer Systems (PMBS18)

  1. Introduction - The 9th International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Benchmarking, and Simulation of High-Performance Computer Systems (PMBS18)
  2. Improving MPI Reduction Performance for Manycore Architectures with OpenMP and Data Compression
  3. Exploring and Quantifying How Communication Behaviors in Proxies Relate to Real Applications
  4. Workshop Morning Break
  5. Deep Learning at Scale on Nvidia V100 Accelerators
  6. Benchmarking Machine Learning Methods for Performance Modeling of Scientific Applications
  7. Algorithm Selection of MPI Collectives Using Machine Learning Techniques
  8. miniVite: A Graph Analytics Benchmarking Tool for Massively Parallel Systems
  9. Unified Cross-Platform Profiling of Parallel C++ Applications
  10. Workshop Lunch (on your own)
  11. A Metric for Evaluating Supercomputer Performance in the Era of Extreme Heterogeneity
  12. Evaluating SLURM Simulator with Real-Machine SLURM and Vice Versa
  13. Workshop Afternoon Break
  14. Is Data Placement Optimization Still Relevant on Newer GPUs?
  15. Approximating a Multi-Grid Solver
  16. Evaluating the Impact of Spiking Neural Network Traffic on Extreme-Scale Hybrid Systems
  17. Automated Instruction Stream Throughput Prediction for Intel and AMD Microarchitectures

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9th Workshop on Latest Advances in Scalable Algorithms for Large-Scale Systems

  1. Introduction - 9th Workshop on Latest Advances in Scalable Algorithms for Large-Scale Systems
  2. Introduction
  3. Keynote 1: A Few Scheduling Problems for Resilience at Scale
  4. Workshop Morning Break
  5. Keynote 2: HPC and AI as Drivers for Industrial Engagement
  6. Event-Triggered Communication in Parallel Computing
  7. Communication Reduced Multi-Timestep Algorithm for Real-Time Wind Simulation on GPU-Based Supercomputers
  8. Communication Avoiding Multigrid Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method for Extreme Scale Multiphase CFD Simulations
  9. Non-Collective Scalable Global Network Based on Local Communications
  10. Workshop Lunch (on your own)
  11. Iterative Randomized Algorithms for Low Rank Approximation of Terascale Matrices with Small Spectral Gaps
  12. Shift-Collapse Acceleration of Generalized Polarizable Reactive Molecular Dynamics for Machine Learning-Assisted Computational Synthesis of Layered Materials
  13. Machine Learning-Aided Numerical Linear Algebra: Convolutional Neural Networks for the Efficient Preconditioner Generation
  14. Workshop Afternoon Break
  15. Keynote 3: Hierarchical Algorithms on Hierarchical Architectures
  16. Low Thread-Count Gustavson: A Multithreaded Algorithm for Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication Using Perfect Hashing
  17. A General-Purpose Hierarchical Mesh Partitioning Method with Node Balancing Strategies for Large-Scale Numerical Simulations
  18. Dynamic Load Balancing of Plasma and Flow Simulations
  19. On Advanced Monte Carlo Methods for Linear Algebra on Advanced Accelerator Architectures

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PDSW-DISCS: Joint International Workshop on Parallel Data Storage and Data Intensive Scalable Computing Systems

  1. Introduction - PDSW-DISCS: Joint International Workshop on Parallel Data Storage and Data Intensive Scalable Computing Systems
  2. Welcome and Introduction
  3. Keynote Address
  4. Workshop Morning Break
  5. Integration of Burst Buffer in High-Level Parallel I/O Library for Exascale Computing Era
  6. Using a Robust Metadata Management System to Accelerate Scientific Discovery at Extreme Scales
  7. Evaluation of HPC Application I/O on Object Storage Systems
  8. WIP Session 1
  9. Workshop Lunch (on your own)
  10. Pufferbench: Evaluating and Optimizing Malleability of Distributed Storage
  11. Understanding SSD Reliability in Large-Scale Cloud Systems
  12. WIP Session 2
  13. Workshop Afternoon Break
  14. Characterizing Deep-Learning I/O Workloads in TensorFlow
  15. Toward Understanding I/O Behavior in HPC Workflows
  16. Methodology for the Rapid Development of Scalable HPC Data Services
  17. WIP Session 3

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The 2nd Industry/University Joint International Workshop on Data Center Automation, Analytics, and Control (DAAC)

  1. Introduction - The 2nd Industry/University Joint International Workshop on Data Center Automation, Analytics, and Control (DAAC)
  2. Welcome, Workshop Goals, and Opening Remarks
  3. Contention-Aware Container Placement Strategy for Docker Swarm
  4. Workload Time Series Prediction in Storage Systems: A Deep Learning Based Approach
  5. TACC's Cloud Deployer: Automating the Management of Distributed Software Systems
  6. Workshop Morning Break
  7. HPCViz: Monitoring Health Status of High Performance Computing Systems
  8. Tivan: A Scalable Data Collection and Analytics Cluster
  9. DiG: Enabling Out-of-Band Scalable High-Resolution Monitoring for Data-Center Analytics, Automation, and Control
  10. Out-of-Band (BMC based) Data Center Monitoring DMTF Redfish API Integration with Nagios
  11. Energy and Power Aware Job Scheduling and Resource Management: Global Survey --- An In-Depth Analysis
  12. Dynamic and Portable Vulnerability Assessment Testbed with Linux Containers to Ensure the Security of MongoDB in Singularity LXCs
  13. Workshop Lunch (on your own)
  14. Industry Panel: Data-Center Automation, Analytics, and Control from an Industry Perspective
  15. Simulating Data Centers with Redfish-Enabled Equipment
  16. Workshop Afternoon Break
  17. Invited Talk: Resource Control at Facebook
  18. Invited Talk: The Campus Compute Cooperative Project as an Alternative to Commercial Clouds
  19. Invited Talk: Current Status of the OpenHPC Project
  20. Closing Remarks

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IA^3 2018: 8th Workshop on Irregular Applications: Architectures and Algorithms

  1. Introduction - IA^3 2018: 8th Workshop on Irregular Applications: Architectures and Algorithms
  2. Photonic Interconnects for Extreme Scale Computing
  3. Workshop Morning Break
  4. Software Prefetching for Unstructured Mesh Applications
  5. A Fast and Simple Approach to Merge and Merge Sorting Using Wide Vector Instructions
  6. Impact of Traditional Sparse Optimizations on a Migratory Thread Architecture
  7. There Are Trillions of Little Forks in the Road: Choose Wisely! -- Estimating the Cost and Likelihood of Success of Constrained Walks to Optimize a Graph Pruning Pipeline
  8. Scale-Free Graph Processing on a NUMA Machine
  9. Workshop Lunch (on your own)
  10. Versal: The New Xilinx Adaptive Compute Acceleration Platforms (ACAP)
  11. Workshop Afternoon Break
  12. Mix-and-Match: A Model-Driven Runtime Optimization Strategy for BFS on GPUs
  13. A Block-Oriented, Parallel, and Collective Approach to Sparse Indefinite Preconditioning on GPUs
  14. High-Performance GPU Implementation of PageRank with Reduced Precision Based on Mantissa Segmentation
  15. IA^3 Debate

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ESPM2 2018: Fourth International Workshop on Extreme Scale Programming Models and Middleware

  1. Introduction - ESPM2 2018: Fourth International Workshop on Extreme Scale Programming Models and Middleware
  2. Exascale Challenges in Across-Node Parallelism for Languages and Runtimes
  3. Workshop Morning Break
  4. Distributed Memory Futures for Compile-Time, Deterministic-by-Default Concurrency in Distributed C++ Applications
  5. Design of Data Management for Multi-SPMD Workflow Programming Model
  6. Integration of CUDA Processing within the C++ Library for Parallelism and Concurrency (HPX)
  7. Automatic Generation of High-Order Finite-Difference Code with Temporal Blocking for Extreme-Scale Many-Core Systems
  8. Workshop Lunch (on your own)
  9. Asynchronous Execution of Python Code on Task Based Runtime Systems
  10. A Unified Runtime for PGAS and Event-Driven Programming
  11. Workshop Afternoon Break
  12. Portable and Reusable Deep Learning Infrastructure with Containers to Accelerate Cancer Studies
  13. Analysis of Explicit vs. Implicit Tasking in OpenMP Using Kripke
  14. Heterogeneous Systems and the Road to Exascale for HPC and AI
  15. ESPM2 2018: Closing Remarks

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Machine Learning in HPC Environments

  1. Introduction - Machine Learning in HPC Environments
  2. Workshop Overview
  3. Morning Keynote – Azalia Mirhoseini (Google)
  4. Workshop Morning Break
  5. Communication-Efficient Parallelization Strategy for Deep Convolutional Neural Network Training
  6. Large-Scale Clustering Using MPI-Based Canopy
  7. Automated Labeling of Electron Microscopy Images Using Deep Learning
  8. Scaling Deep Learning for Cancer with Advanced Workflow Storage Integration
  9. Workshop Lunch (on your own)
  10. On Adam-Trained Models and a Parallel Method to Improve the Generalization Performance
  11. Aluminum: An Asynchronous, GPU-Aware Communication Library Optimized for Large-Scale Training of Deep Neural Networks on HPC Systems
  12. Workshop Afternoon Break
  13. Workshop Overview
  14. Afternoon Keynote - Robinson Pino (DOE ASCR)
  15. Optimizing Machine Learning on Apache Spark in HPC Environments
  16. Large Minibatch Training on Supercomputers with Improved Accuracy and Reduced Time to Train

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ISAV 2018: In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-Scale Analysis and Visualization

  1. Introduction - ISAV 2018: In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-Scale Analysis and Visualization
  2. Keynote: Perspectives on In Situ
  3. Workshop Morning Break
  4. A Flexible System For In Situ Triggers
  5. PaDaWAn: a Python Infrastructure for Loosely Coupled In Situ Workflows
  6. In Situ Data-Driven Adaptive Sampling for Large-Scale Simulation Data Summarization
  7. Python-Based In Situ Analysis and Visualization
  8. Leveraging Scalable Event Distribution to Enable Data-Driven In Situ Scientific Workflows
  9. Scheduling for In-machine Analytics: Data Size Is Important
  10. Lightning Round Questions
  11. Workshop Lunch (on your own)
  12. In-Transit Molecular Dynamics Analysis with Apache Flink
  13. libIS: A Lightweight Library for Flexible In Transit Visualization
  14. Best Paper Awards
  15. Workshop Afternoon Break
  16. Invited Talk: Data Science Meets CFD
  17. UnPanel on the State of the In Situ Community
  18. ISAV 2018 Wrap Up

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2nd International Workshop on Software Correctness for HPC Applications (Correctness 2018)

  1. Introduction - 2nd International Workshop on Software Correctness for HPC Applications (Correctness 2018)
  2. Making Formal Methods for HPC Disappear
  3. Workshop Morning Break
  4. Hybrid Theorem Proving as a Lightweight Method for Verifying Numerical Software
  5. HPC Software Verification in Action: A Case Study with Tensor Transposition
  6. Correctness of Dynamic Dependence Analysis for Implicitly Parallel Tasking Systems
  7. Verifying Qthreads: Is Model Checking Viable for User Level Tasking Runtimes?
  8. Incremental Static Race Detection in OpenMP Programs
  9. Using Polyhedral Analysis to Verify OpenMP Applications Are Data Race Free
  10. Workshop Lunch (on your own)
  11. Correctness of Floating Point Programs - Exception Handling and Reproducibility
  12. Workshop Afternoon Break
  13. Compiler-Aided Type Tracking for Correctness Checking of MPI Applications
  14. Toward Deductive Verification of Message-Passing Parallel Programs
  15. PARCOACH Extension for a Full-Interprocedural Collectives Verification
  16. Facilitating the Adoption of Correctness Tools in HPC Applications

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4th Workshop for Open Source Supercomputing (OpenSuCo)

  1. Introduction - 4th Workshop for Open Source Supercomputing (OpenSuCo)
  2. Opening Remarks
  3. Performance and Communication Modeling for Exascale Proxy Architecture in Aspen
  4. FireSim: FPGA-Accelerated Cycle-Exact Scale-Out System Simulation in the Public Cloud
  5. Workshop Morning Break
  6. RV128 Instruction Set Architecture
  7. How System-Level Design Can Benefit the Progress of Open-Source Hardware
  8. Keynote: Full Stack Open Source Supercomputing
  9. Panel: Open-Source Hardware
  10. Workshop Lunch (on your own)
  11. HPC PowerStack: a community-wide open collaboration for enabling system-wide power efficiency
  12. Open-Source Supercomputing
  13. GraphBLAS Forum and Its Relevant Software Zoo
  14. Workshop Afternoon Break
  15. Driving Asynchronous Distributed Tasks with Events
  16. Opportunities for Open-Source Development for D-Wave Systems
  17. Open-Source Modeling and Simulation
  18. Panel: Open-Source Software
  19. Closing Remarks

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LLVM-HPC2018: The Fifth Workshop on the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure in HPC

  1. Introduction - LLVM-HPC2018: The Fifth Workshop on the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure in HPC
  2. Keynote: Glow: An Optimizing Compiler for High-Performance Machine Learning
  3. Workshop Morning Break
  4. OpenMP GPU Offload in Flang and LLVM
  5. Pointers Inside Lambda Closure Objects in OpenMP Target Offload Regions
  6. Clacc: Translating OpenACC to OpenMP in Clang
  7. LLVM and the Automatic Vectorization of Loops Invoking Math Routines: -fsimdmath
  8. Workshop Lunch (on your own)
  9. Function/Kernel Vectorization via Loop Vectorizer
  10. User-Directed Loop-Transformations in Clang
  11. Workshop Afternoon Break
  12. OP2-Clang: A Source-to-Source Translator Using Clang/LLVM LibTooling
  13. PInT: Pattern Instrumentation Tool for Analyzing and Classifying HPC Applications
  14. AIWC: OpenCL-Based Architecture Independent Workload Characterization
  15. Compiler Optimization for Heterogeneous Locality and Homogeneous Parallelism in OpenCL and LLVM
  16. A Study of OpenMP Device Offloading in LLVM: Correctness and Consistency
  17. Challenges of C++ Heterogeneous Programming Using SYCL Implementation Experience: the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
  18. LLVM-HPC2018: Final Discussion

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8th Workshop on Python for High-Performance and Scientific Computing

  1. Introduction - 8th Workshop on Python for High-Performance and Scientific Computing
  2. Keynote: Better Scientific Software (BSSw)
  3. Workshop Morning Break
  4. AutoParallel: A Python Module for Automatic Parallelization and Distributed Execution of Affine Loop Nests
  5. Managing Python in HPC Environments
  6. Panel: Interactivity in Supercomputing
  7. Workshop Lunch (on your own)
  8. Accelerating the Signal Alignment Process in Time-Evolving Geometries Using Python
  9. Performance, Power, and Scalability Analysis of the Horovod Implementation of the CANDLE NT3 Benchmark on the Cray XC40 Theta
  10. Workshop Afternoon Break
  11. Data-Parallel Python for High Energy Physics Analyses
  12. Balsam: Automated Scheduling and Execution of Dynamic, Data-Intensive HPC Workflows
  13. PyHPC Lightning Talks

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Ninth Annual Workshop for the Energy Efficient HPC Working Group (EE HPC WG)

  1. Introduction - Ninth Annual Workshop for the Energy Efficient HPC Working Group (EE HPC WG)
  2. Keynote
  3. Workshop Morning Break
  4. State of the Working Group
  5. The Power Grid
  6. Thermosyphon
  7. Workshop Lunch (on your own)
  8. Machine Installations at ORNL, LRZ, Sandia
  9. Workshop Afternoon Break
  10. Quantum Computing and Impact on Facility
  11. Challenges in Holistic Monitoring and Data Integration (LLNL, LBNL, UniBo/Cineca)
  12. Panel Discussion – Software for Energy Efficiency (PowerStack, PowerAPI, READEX, GEOPM)
  13. Closing Remarks

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Fifth SC Workshop on Best Practices for HPC Training and Education

  1. Introduction - Fifth SC Workshop on Best Practices for HPC Training and Education
  2. Workshop Morning Break
  3. HPC Education and Training: An Australian Perspective
  4. Trends in Demand, Growth, and Breadth in Scientific Computing Training Delivered by a High-Performance Computing Center
  5. Evaluating Active Learning Approaches for Teaching Intermediate Programing at an Early Undergraduate Level
  6. The Impact of MOOC Methodology on the Scalability, Accessibility and Development of HPC Education and Training
  7. Training Computational Scientists to Build and Package Code
  8. CiSE-ProS - Using Virtual Reality to Enforce Principles of Physical Cybersecurity
  9. Workshop Lunch (on your own)
  10. Toward a HPC Certification Program
  11. Potential Influence of Prior Experience in an Undergraduate-Graduate Level HPC Course
  12. Deep Learning by Doing: Nvidia Deep Learning Institute
  13. Using CloudLab as a Scalable Platform for Teaching Cluster Computing
  14. Programmable Education Infrastructure: Cloud Resources as HPC Education Environments
  15. The HPC Best Practices Webinar Series
  16. Workshop Afternoon Break
  17. Discussion Session
  18. Breakout Groups

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7th Workshop on Extreme-Scale Programming Tools (ESPT)

  1. Welcome and Introduction - 7th Workshop on Extreme-Scale Programming Tools (ESPT)
  2. Understanding Software Sustainability: Learning from Parsl and Other Projects
  3. Understanding the Scalability of Molecular Simulation Using Empirical Performance Modeling
  4. Advanced Event Sampling Support for PAPI
  5. Workshop Morning Break
  6. PARLOT: Efficient Whole-Program Call Tracing for HPC Applications
  7. Gotcha: A Function-Wrapping Interface for HPC Tools
  8. HPC Software Infrastructures at German Aerospace Center
  9. ESPT Closing Remarks

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Deep Learning on Supercomputers

  1. Introduction - Deep Learning on Supercomputers - Welcome
  2. Keynote: Learning-Based Predictive Models: a New Approach to Integrating Large-Scale Simulations and Experiments
  3. CANDLE Framework for Large Scale Deep Learning
  4. Fast and Accurate Deep Neural Networks Training on Distributed Systems
  5. Workshop Morning Break
  6. Deep Learning at NERSC: Usability, Capability, and Everything in Between
  7. Artificial Intelligence Enabled Multiscale Molecular Simulations
  8. Scalable and Distributed DNN Training on Modern HPC Systems
  9. High-Performance AI: A View from Systems and Frameworks
  10. Large Scale Deep Learning in PFN: from 15-Min Imagenet to PFDet
  11. Enabling Scalable and Efficient Deep Learning on Supercomputers

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Workshop on Fault-Tolerance for HPC at Extreme Scale (FTXS)

  1. Introduction - Workshop on Fault-Tolerance for HPC at Extreme Scale (FTXS)
  2. Toward Ad Hoc Recovery For Soft Errors
  3. Fault Tolerant Cholesky Factorization on GPUs
  4. Improving Application Resilience by Extending Error Correction with Contextual Information
  5. A Comprehensive Informative Metric for Analyzing HPC System Status Using the LogSCAN Platform
  6. Workshop Morning Break
  7. Analyzing the Impact of System Reliability Events on Applications in the Titan Supercomputer
  8. Extending and Evaluating Fault-Tolerant Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Methods
  9. CPU Overheating Characterization in HPC Systems: a Case Study
  10. SaNSA - the Supercomputer and Node State Architecture
  11. Influence of A-Posteriori Subcell Limiting on Fault Frequency in Higher-Order DG Schemes

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PAW-ATM: Parallel Applications Workshop - Alternatives to MPI

  1. Introduction - PAW-ATM: Parallel Applications Workshop - Alternatives to MPI
  2. An Application Perspective on Programming Models for the Future
  3. Development and Performance Comparison of MPI and Fortran Coarrays within an Atmospheric Research Model
  4. Efficient Algorithms for Collective Operations with Notified Communication in Shared Windows
  5. Comparison of the HPC and Big Data Java Libraries Spark, PCJ and APGAS
  6. Computational Cosmology and Astrophysics on Adaptive Meshes Using Charm++
  7. Workshop Morning Break
  8. GASNet-EX Performance Improvements Due to Specialization for the Cray Aries Network
  9. Chapel Aggregation Library (CAL)
  10. Semi-Static and Dynamic Load Balancing for Asynchronous Hurricane Storm Surge Simulations
  11. Distributed L-Shaped Algorithms in Julia
  12. Panel Discussion

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International Workshop on Performance, Portability, and Productivity in HPC (P3HPC)

  1. Introduction - International Workshop on Performance, Portability, and Productivity in HPC (P3HPC)
  2. High-Performance Molecular Dynamics Simulation for Biological and Materials Sciences: Challenges of Performance Portability
  3. An Empirical Roofline Methodology for Quantitatively Assessing Performance Portability
  4. Effective Performance Portability
  5. Evaluating the Impact of Proposed OpenMP 5.0 Features on Performance, Portability, and Productivity
  6. P3HPC Session 1 Panel Discussion
  7. Workshop Morning Break
  8. Performance Portability of an Unstructured Hydrodynamics Mini-Application
  9. Performance Portability Challenges for Fortran Applications
  10. Delivering Performance-Portable Stencil Computations on CPUs and GPUs Using Bricks
  11. Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Execution of Stencil Applications
  12. P3HPC Session 2 Panel Discussion
  13. P3HPC Community Discussion and Next Steps

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