Analyzing the Impact of System Reliability Events on Applications in the Titan Supercomputer
Authors: Rizwan A. Ashraf (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Abstract: Extreme-scale computing systems employ Reliability, Availability and Serviceability (RAS) mechanisms and infrastructure to log events from multiple system components. In this paper, we analyze RAS logs in conjunction with the application placement and scheduling database, in order to understand the impact of common RAS events on application performance. This study conducted on the records of about 2 million applications executed on Titan supercomputer provides important insights for system users, operators and computer science researchers. We investigate the impact of RAS events on application performance and its variability by comparing cases where events are recorded with corresponding cases where no events are recorded. Such a statistical investigation is possible since we observed that system users tend to execute their applications multiple times. Our analysis reveals that most RAS events do impact application performance, although not always. We also find that different system components affect application performance differently. In particular, our investigation includes the following components: parallel file system, processor, memory, graphics processing units, system and user software issues. Our work establishes the importance of providing feedback to system users for increasing operational efficiency of extreme-scale systems.
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