Birds of a Feather Archive SC18 Proceedings

Birds of a Feather

  1. 17th Graph500 List Richard Murphy (Micron Technology Inc), David Bader (Georgia Institute of Technology), Peter Kogge (University of Notre Dame), Andrew Lumsdaine (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), and Anton Korzh (Micron Technology Inc)

  2. Achieving Performance on Large-Scale Intel Xeon-Based Systems David Martin (Argonne National Laboratory), Melyssa Fratkin (University of Texas) and Estela Suarez (Forschungszentrum Juelich)

  3. Advanced Architecture Testbeds: A Catalyst for Co-design Collaborations Kevin Barker (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), Jeffrey Young (Georgia Institute of Technology), Alice Koniges (University of Hawaii), Jeffrey Vetter (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), and James Laros (Sandia National Laboratories)

  4. Analyzing Parallel I/O Philip Carns (Argonne National Laboratory), Julian Kunkel (University of Reading)

  5. Applications of Deep Learning in Industry and Research Lucas Wilson (Dell EMC), Antonio Cisternino (University of Pisa), Matthew Grover (Walmart Inc), and Alex Sutton (Microsoft Corporation)

  6. The ARM HPC Experience: From Testbeds to Exascale Mitsuhisa Sato (RIKEN), Andrew Younge (Sandia National Laboratories), Gopal Patnaik (US Naval Research Laboratory), Simon McIntosh-Smith (University of Bristol), John Linford (ARM Ltd), and John Wohlbier (Engility Corporation)

  7. Batched, Reproducible, and Reduced Precision BLAS Piotr Luszczek (University of Tennessee, Innovative Computing Laboratory), Jack Dongarra (University of Tennessee, Innovative Computing Laboratory)

  8. Benchmarking Scientific Reconfigurable / FPGA Computing Franck Cappello (Argonne National Laboratory), Taisuke Boku (University of Tsukuba), Martin Herbordt (Boston University), Naoya Maruyama (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Andrew Putnam (Microsoft Corporation), Kentaro Sano (RIKEN), Jeffrey Vetter (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Kazutomo Yoshii (Argonne National Laboratory), and Xavier Martorell (Barcelona Supercomputing Center)

  9. Best Practices for Scaling-Up and Sustaining HPC Education, Outreach and Training Nitin Sukhija (Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania), Benson Muite (University of Tartu, Estonia); Scott Lathrop (University of Illinois); Maciej Cytowski (Pawsey Supercomputing Centre); Matthew Curry (Sandia National Laboratories); Alexander Ditter (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg); Susan Mehringer (Cornell University); Francis Lee Bu Sung (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore); Andrew Turner (University of Edinburgh); and Bryan Johnston (Centre for High Performance Computing, South Africa)

  10. Big Data and Exascale Computing (BDEC2) Application Roundtable Geoffrey Fox (Indiana University), Rosa Badia (Barcelona Supercomputing Center) and Jack Dongarra (University of Tennessee)

  11. Big Data Challenge - How to Engage with Large Scale Facilities? John Towns (National Center for Supercomputing Applications), Florian Berberich (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE))

  12. Ceph Applications in HPC Environments Benjamin Lynch (University of Minnesota), Douglas Fuller (Red Hat Inc)

  13. Charm++ and AMPI: Adaptive and Asynchronous Parallel Programming Sam White (University of Illinois, Charmworks Inc), Laxmikant Kalé (University of Illinois, Charmworks Inc) and Eric Bohm (Charmworks Inc, University of Illinois)

  14. Cloud Infrastructure Solutions To Run HPC Workloads Martial Michel (Data Machines Corporation), Michael Jennings (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Micheal Lowe (Indiana University), Robert Budden (Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center), Adam Simpson (Nvidia Corporation), Christian Kniep (Docker Inc), Blair Bethwaite (New Zealand eScience Infrastructure), Bob Killen (University of Michigan), and Jay Kruemcke (SUSE)

  15. Collaboration Toward a Software Stack for System Power Optimization: The HPC PowerStack Martin Schulz (Technical University Munich), Tapasya Patki (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Jonathan Eastep (Intel Corporation), Masaaki Kondo (University of Tokyo), and Siddhartha Jana (Energy Efficient HPC Working Group)

  16. Consolidating the European Exascale Effort Marcin Ostasz (European Technology Platform for High Performance Computing (ETP4HPC), Barcelona Supercomputing Center), Jean-Pierre Panziera (European Technology Platform for High Performance Computing (ETP4HPC), Atos) and Jean-Philippe Nominé (European Technology Platform for High Performance Computing (ETP4HPC), Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA))

  17. Containers in HPC Andrew Younge (Sandia National Laboratories), Shane Canon (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Reid Priedhorsky (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Cory Snavely (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), and Michael Jennings (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

  18. Data Analytics for System and Facility Energy Management Ghaleb Abdulla (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Torsten Wilde (Hewlett Packard Enterprise), Ryousei Takano (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)), David Martinez (Sandia National Laboratories), Carlo Cavazzoni (CINECA), Andrea Bartolini (University of Bologna), and Devesh Tiwari (Northeastern University)

  19. Data Science and HPC Education and Outreach Linda McIver (Australian Data Science Education Institute), Charlie Dey (University of Texas) and Ilkay Altintas and Robert Sinkovits (San Diego Supercomputer Center)

  20. Deep500: An HPC Deep Learning Benchmark and Competition Tal Ben-Nun (ETH Zurich), Torsten Hoefler (ETH Zurich)

  21. Designing and Building Next-Generation Computer Systems for Deep Learning Volodymyr Kindratenko (University of Illinois, National Center for Supercomputing Applications), Yangang Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

  22. Distributed and Heterogeneous Programming in C++ for HPC 2018 Hal Finkel (Argonne National Laboratory), Michael Wong (Codeplay Software Ltd)

  23. Enabling Data Services for HPC Jerome Soumagne (HDF Group), Philip Carns (Argonne National Laboratory), Kevin Huck (University of Oregon), Johann Lombardi (Intel Corporation), and Manish Parashar (Rutgers University)

  24. Energy Efficiency Considerations for HPC Procurements Jason Hick (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Anna Maria Bailey (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Herbert Huber (Leibniz Supercomputing Centre), David Martinez (Sandia National Laboratories), Toshihiro Hanawa (University of Tokyo), James Laros (Sandia National Laboratories), and Gert Svensson (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)

  25. Exascale Archiving - Challenges and Opportunities Meghan McClelland (Versity Software Inc), Gary Grider (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Matt Starr (Spectra Logic Corporation), Stefaan Vervaet (Western Digital Corporation), Jim Gerry (IBM), and Bruce Gilpin (Versity Software Inc)

  26. Exascale Machine Learning Naoya Maruyama (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Brian Van Essen (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) and Satoshi Matsuoka (RIKEN, Tokyo Institute of Technology)

  27. The Facility Perspective on Liquid Cooling: Experiences and Proposed Open Specification Dale Sartor (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Herbert Huber (Leibniz Supercomputing Centre), Anna Maria Bailey (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Dave Martinez (Sandia National Laboratories), Michael Patterson (Intel Corporation), and David Grant (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

  28. The Future of NSF Supported Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Manish Parashar (National Science Foundation), Alejandro Suarez (National Science Foundation)

  29. Getting Scientific Software Installed Davide Vanzo (Vanderbilt University), Kenneth Hoste (Ghent University) and Robert McLay (University of Texas)

  30. The Green 500: Trends in Energy Efficient Supercomputing Wu Feng (Virginia Tech), Erich Strohmaier (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Natalie Bates (Energy Efficient HPC Working Group), and Thomas Scogland (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

  31. HDF5: I/O Middleware and Ecosystem for HPC and Experimental and Observational Sciences Elena Pourmal (HDF Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Quincey Koziol (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

  32. High Level Programming Languages for Quantum Computation Torsten Hoefler (ETH Zurich), Matthias Troyer (Microsoft Corporation)

  33. HPC Graph Toolkits and the GraphBLAS Forum José Moreira (IBM), Antonino Tumeo and Mahantesh Halappanavar (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), Aydin Buluc (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), and John Feo (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)

  34. HPC in Space: An Update on Spaceborne Computer after 1+ Year on the ISS Mark Fernandez (Hewlett Packard Enterprise)

  35. HPC in the DoD Laura Ulibarri (Maui High Performance Computing Center), Ronnie Hedgepeth (US Department of Defense HPC Modernization Program); Justin Fletcher (US Air Force Research Laboratory); and Roy Campbell, Christine Cuicchi, and Sandy Landsberg (US Department of Defense HPC Modernization Program)

  36. HPC Meets Real-Time Data: Interactive Supercomputing for Urgent Decision Making Nick Brown (University of Edinburgh), Achim Basermann (German Aerospace Center), Vyacheslav Olshevsky (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Andreas Gerndt (German Aerospace Center), and Stefano Markidis (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)

  37. HPCG Benchmark Update Michael Heroux (Sandia National Laboratories, St. John’s University), Jack Dongarra and Piotr Luszczek (University of Tennessee)

  38. Impacting Cancer with HPC: Opportunities and Challenges Eric Stahlberg (Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, Leidos Biomedical Research), Patricia Kovatch (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai), Ted Slater (Cray Inc), and Thomas Steinke (Zuse Institute Berlin)

  39. InfiniBand In-Network Computing Technology and Roadmap Gilad Shainer (Mellanox Technologies), Daniel Gruner (University of Toronto)

  40. Interactivity in HPC Peter Messmer (Nvidia Corporation), John Stone (University of Illinois), Albert Reuther (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Michael Ringenburg (Cray Inc), and Sadaf Alam (Swiss National Supercomputing Centre)

  41. International HPC Certification Program Julian Kunkel (University of Reading), Weronika Filinger (University of Edinburgh) and Jean-Thomas Acquaviva (DataDirect Networks)

  42. The IO-500 and the Virtual Institute of I/O Julian Kunkel (University of Reading), Jay Lofstead (Sandia National Laboratories), John Bent (DataDirect Networks), and George Markomanolis (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

  43. LLVM in HPC: What's New? Jim Cownie (Intel Corporation), Hal Finkel (Argonne National Laboratory, LLVM Foundation)

  44. A Look Ahead: Energy and Power Aware Job Scheduling and Resource Management Kevin Pedretti (Sandia National Laboratories), Michael Ott (Leibniz Supercomputing Centre); Robin Pinning (Hartree Centre); Greg Koenig (Energy Efficient HPC Working Group); Matthias Maiterth (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Intel Corporation); Vadim Elisseev (IBM); and Moe Jette (SchedMD LLC)

  45. LUSTRE Community BOF: Lustre in HPC and Emerging Data Markets: Roadmap, Features and Challenges Sarp Oral (OpenSFS Inc, Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Frank Baetke (European Open File System Association (EOFS))

  46. Meeting HPC Container Challenges as a Community CJ Newburn (Nvidia Corporation), Andrew Younge (Sandia National Laboratories) and Scot Schultz (Mellanox Technologies)

  47. The Message Passing Interface (MPI): Version 4.0 and Beyond Martin Schulz (Technical University Munich)

  48. Monitoring Large-Scale HPC Systems: Extracting and Presenting Meaningful System and Application Insights Ann Gentile (Sandia National Laboratories), Jim Brandt (Sandia National Laboratories), Martin Schulz (Technical University Munich), Mike Showerman (National Center for Supercomputing Applications), Joe Greenseid (Cray Inc), and Ayse Coskun (Boston University)

  49. MPICH: A High­ Performance Open­-Source MPI Implementation Ken Raffenetti (Argonne National Laboratory), Pavan Balaji, Yanfei Guo, Abdelhalim Amer, Min Si, Neelima Bayyapu, Giuseppe Congiu, and Kavitha Madhu (Argonne National Laboratory)

  50. Multi-Level Memory and Storage for HPC and Data Analytics Hans-Christian Hoppe (Intel Corporation), Michèle Weiland (University of Edinburgh) and Kathryn Mohror (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

  51. National Research Infrastructure: Collaborative Session Kenton McHenry (University of Illinois), Alainna White (Johns Hopkins University); Frank Wuerthwein (University of California, San Diego); and Rachana Ananthakrishnan (University of Chicago, Globus)

  52. Navigating the SC Conference Technical Program Submission Process Michael Heroux (Sandia National Laboratories, St. John’s University), Pavan Balaji (Argonne National Laboratory), Michelle Mills Strout (University of Arizona), and Scott Pakin (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

  53. The New NSF-Funded Resource: Frontera - Towards a Leadership Class Computing Facility Dan Stanzione (Texas Advanced Computing Center, University of Texas), Tommy Minyard and William Barth (University of Texas, Texas Advanced Computing Center)

  54. On Launching Ask.CI, a Q&A Platform for Research Computing, Using StackExchange and Discourse Julie Ma (Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center), Aaron Culich (University of California, Berkeley); Torey Battelle (Colorado School of Mines); Dana Brunson (Oklahoma State University); Thomas Cheatham III (University of Utah); John Goodhue (Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center); Christopher Hill (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); Katia Oleinik (Boston University); Jacob Pessin (Albert Einstein College of Medicine); Jack Smith (West Virginia Science and Research, Marshall University); and Scott Yockel (Harvard University)

  55. Open MPI State of the Union 2018 Jeffrey Squyres (Cisco Systems), George Bosilca (University of Tennessee)

  56. OpenACC API User Experience, Vendor Reaction, Relevance, and Roadmap Duncan Poole (Nvidia Corporation), Sunita Chandrasekaran (University of Delaware) and Robert Henschel (Indiana University)

  57. OpenHPC Community BoF Karl Schulz (University of Texas), Chris Simmons (University of Texas, Dallas); David Brayford (Leibniz Supercomputing Centre); Cyrus Proctor (University of Texas); Paul Peltz (Los Alamos National Laboratory); Kevin Pedretti (Sandia National Laboratories); Chris Downing (Red Oak Consulting); and Reese Baird (Intel Corporation)

  58. OpenMP® 5.0 Is Here: Find Out All the Things You Need to Know About It! Jim Cownie (Intel Corporation), Michael Klemm (OpenMP Architecture Review Board, Intel Corporation)

  59. OpenSHMEM in the Era of Exascale Steve Poole (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Tony Curtis (Stony Brook University), Jeff Kuehn (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Oscar Hernandez (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Sameer Shende (University of Oregon), and Pavel Shamis (ARM Ltd)

  60. PBS Pro Open Source Project Community BoF Bill Nitzberg (Altair Engineering), Greg Matthews (NASA Ames Research Center) and Andrew Wellington (National Computational Infrastructure, Australia)

  61. Personalized Medicine and HPC Cristin Merritt (Alces Flight Limited), Peter Coveney (University College London) and Mariano Vazquez and Marcin Ostasz (Barcelona Supercomputing Center)

  62. PMIx: Enabling Workflow Orchestration Ralph Castain (Intel Corporation), Joshua Hursey (IBM)

  63. Power API and Redfish: Standardizing Power Measurement and Control for HPC Ryan Grant (Sandia National Laboratories), Torsten Wilde (Hewlett Packard Enterprise), James Laros (Sandia National Laboratories), Jeff Autor (Hewlett Packard Enterprise), Todd Rosedahl (IBM), Steve Martin (Cray Inc), and Barry Rountree (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

  64. The Power of Storytelling: Exposing User Experiences and Lessons Learned to Inspire and Instruct Technology Adoption Mary Bass (University of Chicago, Globus), Kristi Lanier (Cray Inc)

  65. Pros and Cons of HPCx benchmarks Jun Makino (Kobe University, RIKEN), Kei Hiraki (University of Tokyo), John Shalf (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), and Jose Gracia (High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart)

  66. Purpose-Built HPC: Last Hope for Earth System Prediction? Dave McCarren (US Navy, Oceanographer of the Navy), Mark Govett (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)

  67. Revisiting the 2008 ExaScale Computing Study and Venturing Predictions for 2028 Jeffrey Vetter (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Peter Kogge (University of Notre Dame)

  68. SAGE2 10th Annual International SC BOF: Scalable Amplified Group Environment for Global Collaboration Jason Leigh (University of Hawaii at Manoa), Maxine Brown and Luc Renambot (University of Illinois, Chicago)

  69. SLURM User Group Meeting Morris Jette (SchedMD LLC), Danny Auble (SchedMD LLC)

  70. Software Engineering and Reuse in Computational Science and Engineering David Bernholdt (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Jeffrey Carver (University of Alabama); William Gropp (University of Illinois, National Center for Supercomputing Applications); Carina Haupt (German Aerospace Center); Michael Heroux (Sandia National Laboratories, St. John’s University); Daniel Katz (University of Illinois); Scott Lathrop (National Center for Supercomputing Applications, Shodor Education Foundation); and Minhua Wen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

  71. Software Engineers: Careers in Research Benjamin Pritchard (Molecular Sciences Software Institute, Virginia Tech), Catherine Jones (Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK; UK Research and Innovation) and Jay Jay Billings (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

  72. Spack Community BoF Todd Gamblin (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Adam Stewart (University of Illinois, Argonne National Laboratory); Johannes Albert-von der Gönna (Leibniz Supercomputing Centre); Marc Pérache (Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA)); and Matt Belhorn (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

  73. Special Interest Group on HPC in Resource Constrained Environments (SIGHPC-RCE) Hensley Omorodion (University of Benin), Robert Quick (Indiana University); Bryan Johnston (Centre for High Performance Computing, South Africa); and Christopher Harrison (University of Wisconsin)

  74. Spectral Analysis: Building an LGBTQIA+ Community in Scientific Computing Daniel Gens (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC)), Carissa Holohan (Argonne National Laboratory)

  75. Strategies for Inclusive and Scalable HPC Outreach and Education Julie Mullen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Weronika Filinger (University of Edinburgh); Tom Maiden (Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center); Nicholas Brown (University of Edinburgh); Lorna Rivera (Georgia Institute of Technology); John Urbanic (Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center); Karina Nunez (Pawsey Supercomputing Centre); Bryan Johnston (Centre for High Performance Computing, South Africa); Karina Pesatova (Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic); and Martin Quinson (ENS Rennes)

  76. TCHPC Career Panel Manish Parashar (Rutgers University), Akshaye Dhawan (Bloomberg LP)

  77. Third Annual Meeting of the SIGHPC - Big Data Chapter Stratos Efstathiadis (New York University), Suzanne McIntosh (New York University)

  78. TOP500 Supercomputers Erich Strohmaier (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Jack Dongarra (University of Tennessee), Horst Simon (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), and Martin Meuer (ISC Group)

  79. Unified Communication X (UCX) Community Gilad Shainer (Mellanox Technologies), Jeff Kuehn (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Pavel Shamis (ARM Ltd), Dhabaleswar Panda (Ohio State University), and Brad Benton (Advanced Micro Devices Inc)

  80. Volunteer Opportunities for SC Conference Planning Christine Cuicchi (SC20, US Department of Defense HPC Modernization Program), Jeffrey Vetter (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Christine Harvey (MITRE Corporation), and Jason Zurawski (Energy Sciences Network (ESnet))

  81. What the Heck Is HEC? Sandy Landsberg (US Department of Defense HPC Modernization Program)

  82. Women in HPC: the Importance of Male Allies Rebecca Hartman-Baker (National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC)), Kelly Nolan (Talent Strategy Institute)

  83. Workloads and Benchmarks for System Acquisition Neil Bright (Georgia Institute of Technology), Laura Brown (US Army Engineer Research and Development Center), Henry Neeman (University of Oklahoma), and Alex Younts (Purdue University)

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