The SC Conference advances its mission to build a strong and diverse HPC student community at both the undergraduate and graduate levels by offering professional development opportunities, guidance from mentors, and engagement with the SC Program. By supporting and encouraging students, Students@SC helps facilitate their transition into the professional community.
Student Cluster Competition, Student Volunteers, and Experiencing HPC for Undergraduates submissions are closed.
Student Cluster Competition
Educational institutions interested in having students put their high performance computing skills to the test on a global stage are invited to form teams of undergraduate or high school students and sign up for this high-energy event where they will build, operate, and tune powerful cluster computers in competition with young talent from around the world.
Learn how to submit an application to the Student Cluster Competition.
Student Volunteers
All undergraduate and graduate students can apply to volunteer to help support conference operations. In addition to being part of the conference team, students can participate in activities like professional development workshops and technical talks by well known researchers and industry leaders.
Learn how to submit an application to Student Volunteers.
Experiencing HPC for Undergraduates
Undergraduate students interested in learning more about high performance computing can apply to the Experiencing HPC for Undergraduates program, which brings students from around the world to the SC Conference. This is a great way for students to be introduced to academic and industrial professionals, and to learn about job opportunities, internships, and graduate education in high performance computing.
Learn how to submit an application to Experiencing HPC for Undergraduates.
On-Site Student Activities
In addition, all Students@SC participants are invited to take part in these activities during the conference:
Mentor–Protégé Program
SC newcomers can be matched up with a veteran conference attendee who can provide personal insight on all the conference’s ins and outs. Sign up when you register for SC!
Learn how to participate and read success stories.
Student/Post-Doc Job Fair
This face-to-face event, open to all students and post-docs at the SC Conference, is the perfect place to discover and meet with potential employers.
More information for students, postdocs, and recruiting organizations.
Student Tours Program
Every year the conference invites students from local high schools, universities, and colleges to visit the conference. The Student Tours program brings students and chaperones to the convention center to listen to two talks on HPC. They are then taken on guided tours of the exhibit floor by student volunteers.
Interested participants are required to register with the Student Tours Program.
Students@SC Sessions
Two days of engaging workshops, panels, and invited speakers geared towards instilling student attendees with valuable insights, technical skills, and professional knowledge. Students@SC Sessions is open to all students (and non-students) registered for any part of the SC conference.
Students@SC Sessions will occur Sunday–Monday, November 11–12, 2018.
Program Features Especially for Students
Finally, the SC Program features two components geared specifically toward students: the ACM Student Research Competition and Doctoral Showcase.