Student Cluster Competition
View Student Cluster Competition Schedule
The Student Cluster Competition (SCC) was developed in 2007 to provide an immersive high performance computing experience to undergraduate and high school students. With sponsorship from hardware and software vendor partners, student teams design and build small clusters, learn designated scientific applications, apply optimization techniques for their chosen architectures, and compete in a non-stop, 48-hour challenge at the SC conference to complete a real-world scientific workload, showing off their HPC knowledge for conference attendees and judges.
Teams are composed of six students, at least one advisor, and vendor partners. The advisor provides guidance and recommendations, the vendor provides the resources (hardware and software) and the students provide the skill and enthusiasm. Students work with their advisors to craft a proposal that describes the team, the suggested hardware, and their approach to the competition. The SCC committee reviews each proposal and provides comments for all submissions received before the deadline.
Selected teams receive full conference registration for each team member and one advisor. Each team is also provided with three hotel rooms (two beds per room) for the students, plus one room (one bed per room) for the advisor. As the competition is part of the Students@SC program, students also get access to the Mentor–Protégé program and the Student/Post-Doc Job Fair. Travel to the conference and per diem are not provided to the students or the advisor. These costs must be borne by the team and its sponsors.
SCC Teams
The application reviews have been completed and the SC18 Student Cluster Competition (SCC) committee has invited 15 teams to compete in this year’s event in Dallas, Texas. One extra slot is reserved for the winner of the ISC 2018 Student Cluster Competition. The teams hail from across the U.S., as well as Asia, Europe, and Australia.
- Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
- Laney College, United States
- Monash University, Australia
- Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (The winning team from the SC17 Student Cluster Competition)
- National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
- Northeastern University, United States
- Purdue University, United States
- Telkom University, Indonesia
- Texas A&M University, United States
- Tsinghua University, China (The winning team from the ASC18 Student Supercomputer Challenge and the ISC17 Student Cluster Competition)
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States
- University of Massachusetts, Boston, United States
- University of Warsaw/Warsaw University of Technology/Lodz University of Technology/University of Wroclaw, Poland
- Wake Forest University, United States
- Winner of the ISC 2018 Student Cluster Competition