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Invited Talk Preview: “Superscaling Performance through Energy-Efficient Supercomputing” by Vanderbilt’s Padma Raghavan

Speaker: Padma Raghavan Time: Thursday, November 15th from 11:15am – 12pm Location: Exhibit Hall B Abstract: In June 2008, Roadrunner sped past the 1 petaflop/s milestone, clocking in at 1.026 petaflops/s. Ten short years later in June 2018, Summit has now taken over the as the world’s fastest supercomputer spot by achieving 122.3 petaflops/s. What is

SC18’s Jack Dongarra Unveils Impressive Speaker Line-up for 12 Invited Talks

Invited Talks are a premier component of the SC Conference Program and complement nicely the presentations of the regular Technical Papers Program Speakers including global, bleeding-edge leaders across multiple industries. Invited Talks typically describe innovative technical contributions and their application to address the critical challenges of the day. From Jack Dongarra – the Invited Talks

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