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SCinet Must See: How to Build the World’s Fastest Temporary Computer Network Time Lapse

This video shows how SCinet was built in Dallas, Texas for SC18 – the international conference for high performance computing, networking, storage,and analysis. SCinet combines global volunteers from 85 institutions with international graduate students to plan and assemble $52 million in contributed gear. The equipment was partially assembled in the Kay Bailey Hutchison arena and

“Blow-the-Doors off the Network” Event to Demonstrate the Power of SCinet

SC exhibitors are invited to participate in a “Blow-the-Doors Off the Network” event this week to demonstrate the power of SCinet, the high-capacity network built to support the revolutionary applications and experiments that are a hallmark of the SC conference. Exhibitors with 100 GB connections to their booths are invited to blast peak traffic to

TBT: When High Performance Networking and the Beatles Share the Same Texas Stage

Ground-breaking technology and revolutionary musicians distinguish the same Dallas venue (Dallas, Texas) – The Beatles and High Performance Networking may seem like entirely unrelated topics. But they’re connected this week +5 at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas. In 1964 the Beatles broke musical ground when they performed here, and now just 2,824 weeks later

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