


SC18 suggests the following optional submission themes. Consider inclusion of any of the themes as a contributing factor, among many, that may boost the relevance of your submission. Quality, originality, presentation, relevance, and demonstrated or potential impact are the major considerations of submission reviewers in all program elements.


Optional Submission Themes


30 Years of SC

As SC18 is the 30th anniversary of the SC Conference, it has adopted the conference history as a cross-cutting theme. Technical Program contributions are encouraged to reference, in their textual content and bibliography, where served, past proceedings of SCxy.



“High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis” is the official title of the SC Conference Series. SC18 encourages submissions that illustrate the convergence of the four components in the official title, for example, the convergence of simulation with big date, or of storage with networking.


Energy Industry

Dallas, Texas is the host city for SC18. Texas is not only a petroleum producing state, but it produces the most wind power of any state in the USA. Supercomputing is critical to many areas of energy exploration, exploitation, and distribution. Consider the use of supercomputing in the energy industry as part of your submission.


These themes are optional. Including or ignoring them will not shift the priorities of the traditional submission review process.

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