


Panels create an opportunity for the community to engage in discussion on current HPC challenges and solutions. The goal of panels is to gather diverse practitioners in sharing insightful perspectives, engaging the broader community in dialogue, and making concrete progress toward a specific collaborative goal.

The criteria on which panel submissions will be evaluated include the following:

  • Relevance and timeliness of the topic – Is this an issue that needs to be resolved now?
  • Expectation of driving toward insight – Will the panel make a meaningful contribution to the state of the art and for the good of the supercomputing community?
  • Credibility of panelists across dimensions of knowledge, experience, constructiveness, diversity – Diversity may be broadly construed to include topical, institutional, geographic, and demographic characteristics (e.g., seniority, gender). How is your panel representative of the current, or of an ideal, HPC community?
  • Audience draw – Expectation of creating excitement and drawing an audience, as evidenced by relevance and participation in similar events (e.g., panels, workshops, conferences) at related venues.
  • Approach – Effectiveness of prescribed approach in sharing and drawing out insights, fostering broader participation, garnering participation. The submission should show an approximate agenda proposal for the panel session.
  • Clarity – The proposal should be clear, complete, and articulate.

Panels FAQ


Understand more about the Panels submissions process.

View Panels FAQ

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