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Inaugural SCinet Spirit of Innovation Award Recognizes Five Contributors’ Role in Supporting 800 gigabits per Second of Bandwidth for SC18

Today marks the official start of the SC Conference in Dallas, bringing together members of the international high performance computing, networking, storage, and analysis community to share the latest research, technologies, and demonstrations. Exhibitors and visitors at the SC Conference this year will enjoy access to 4.02 terabits per second of bandwidth across 1 million

SIGHPC News: Nominations Open for Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award

SIGHPC’s Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award is given each year for the best doctoral dissertation completed in high performance computing. This award is open to students studying anywhere in the world who have completed a PhD dissertation with HPC as a central research theme. Nominations open: Now Nominations close: 31 January of award year Winners announced:

SC18 Deadline Alert: Nominations for Prestigious High Performance Computing Society Awards Approaching

SC showcases not only the top experts of high performance computing, but also its rising leaders and those who have made a lasting impact in the field. Some of the most prestigious awards given at SC are the Seymour Cray, Sidney Fernbach, and Ken Kennedy Awards that honor the memory of three giants in high performance

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