Posters Submissions
Posters offer an excellent opportunity for you to hear brief presentations and have informal conversations with researchers in diverse areas of HPC innovation. A Best Poster and a Best Student Poster award will be presented based on quality of research work and quality of poster presentation.
ACM Student Research Competition (SRC)
The SC Conference hosts the ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) showcasing original research from undergraduate and graduate students. The SRC Committee also selects a set of winners based on poster content and presentation quality.
NOTE: SRC submissions are separate from Posters submissions. If you are submitting to SRC, please access the SC submissions website and select ACM Student Research Competition. Do not select Posters.
The SC18 Posters and SRC sessions will be held Tuesday–Thursday, November 13–15, 2018.
Reproducibility Initiative
We believe that reproducible science is essential, and that SC should be a leader in this effort. Reproducibility has already been well adopted within the SC Papers program, with about 40% of submissions and 50% of accepted papers containing a reproducibility appendix.
Moving in this direction, reproducibility will be considered during the evaluation of poster submissions.
Each poster author is encouraged to include reproducibility information in an artifact description appendix submitted along with the poster abstract and poster draft. While not mandatory, the inclusion and quality of this appendix will be taken into account for selection between posters of similar quality.
This appendix is required in order for a poster to be considered for the Best Poster and Best Student Poster awards.
Learn more about SC’s reproducibility initiative.