<span class="var-sub_title">Reproducibility as Side Effect</span> SC18 Proceedings

The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis

Reproducibility as Side Effect

Authors: Shu Wang (University of Chicago), Zhuo Zhen (University of Chicago), Jason Anderson (University of Chicago), Kate Keahey (Argonne National Laboratory, University of Chicago)

Abstract: The ability to keep records and reproduce experiments is a critical element of the scientific method for any discipline. However, the recording and publishing of research artifacts that allow to reproduce and directly compare against existing research continue to be a challenge. In this paper, we propose an experiment précis framework that helps the experiment repeatability. Guided by the framework, we implement a prototype tool called ReGen which generates repeatable experiment scripts that can be used or shared along with a detailed experiment description automatically. The evaluation shows that ReGen is effective in reducing the researcher’s efforts of creating a repeatable experiment in a real setting.

Best Poster Finalist (BP): no

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