<span class="var-sub_title">Development of Numerical Coupled Analysis Method by Air Flow Analysis and Snow Accretion Analysis</span> SC18 Proceedings

The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis

Development of Numerical Coupled Analysis Method by Air Flow Analysis and Snow Accretion Analysis

Authors: Kohei Murotani (Railway Technical Research Institute, Japan), Koji Nakade (Railway Technical Research Institute, Japan), Yasushi Kamata (Railway Technical Research Institute, Japan), Daisuke Takahashi (Railway Technical Research Institute, Japan)

Abstract: In this research, to take countermeasures for the snow accretion damage, we developed a simulator of realizing the snow accretion process in the following steps. Firstly, air flow analysis is performed by “Airflow simulator” developed by RTRI (Railway Technical Research Institute). Secondly, trajectory of flying snow is calculated by the equation of motion for gravity and drag using distribution of velocity of air flow. Thirdly, snow accretion analysis is performed by “Particle simulator” developed by RTRI. The shape modified by snow accretion is reflected onto the boundary conditions of the air flow analysis. In this year, we show the results of the snow accretion analysis for simple cubic shapes in order to aim at system development and validation and discuss the result of the snow accretion analysis for a train bogie model.

Best Poster Finalist (BP): no

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